Poké-Me (that’s pronounced Pokey Me)
As obsessed as my boys are with Pokémon games and characters, it would probably be worth my while to reinvent myself as a Pokémon character and hand out trading cards. My cards, naturally, will be super-rare and the pride of any respectable collection.
So let’s see…
I hear plenty of names bandied about around here, and when I tire of hearing, “Dude, I’m gonna use my Dialga…” or “Dude, can I trade you my Charizard for your Lucario?” or “Dude, my favorite Pokémon is Chimchar, Dude.” (That’s no typo–there are two ‘Dudes’ in that sentence.) I just bust into the conversation with Pokémon of my own. For instance, “Hey Dudes, what if I trade you my Squimchi for your Tibbiturri?” This results in two blank stares, followed by two eyerolls, followed by some conscientious ignoring.
So name…well, in all honesty, I kind of like Squimchi. I’ll stick with that.
Okay, I’m definitely going to be an HP (I don’t know what that means, but I know it’s good.) Maybe a 120 HP, because the higher the better, right.
Whiplash-wit, a death-grip of a grudge, and a flair with the baked goods.
Weakness. Little boy hugs. And maybe chocolate.
Resistance. Extremely strong. (Not exactly sure what this means).
Retreat Cost. Good manners and a little respect.
Appearance. No tail, no sharp teeth. Or, wait, maybe sharp teeth only when I’m angry. I’m turquoise with fairy feathers and those big girly cartoon eyes…and maybe a zorro mask.
Special Power. I can lay down a swath of frigid uncertainty or lure a smile with some impromptu singing.
I can evolve from a peaceful, playful, fluttery Squimchi to an exasperated, frustrated, teeth-out Squortle if you make the wrong move.
My card is kelly green and edged with glitter.
04/02/2010 at 5:11 pm
I think you'd make a very valuable card. And pretty. 😉
04/02/2010 at 8:31 pm
Love this!!
My niece is obsessed with Pokemon. 
04/03/2010 at 12:22 am
We used to have to pry my daughter's Pokemon game from her hands at bed time!
04/03/2010 at 7:17 pm
I like your sense of humor! I'm going to guess you're highly resistant to knuckleheads, grammatical problems and whining!