Movie Love
Before Friday, I hadn’t seen a movie in about a month, and the last one I did see lost sound three-quarters of the way through. So let’s just say I hadn’t had a good movie experience recently. Well Friday I took my boys to see Diary of Wimpy Kid 2, which we all enjoyed, and then yesterday, we went to see Kung Fu Panda 2…we simply couldn’t hold back any longer. I’d (sorta) promised my mother-in-law that I wouldn’t take them so she could, but I sorta didn’t. And in my defense, I don’t even think she’s seen the first Kung Fu Panda, so really she shouldn’t have dibs on #2. I love Kung Fu Panda and Jack Black, and the animation in these movies is just fantastic. So we went, and I don’t feel guilty.
Well now I’m in a movie frame of mind. I know I posted that Muppet homage last week, but Green With Envy doesn’t come out until November. I am hankerin’ for a summer movie…a romantic comedy…a movie to fall in love with. And I’ve found a contender.
I present: Midnight in Paris! First of all, I love the movie poster. Love it. Then there’s Owen Wilson, who I find charmingly goofy and Rachel McAdams, whom I love. Throw in the allure of Paris, a little magic, and a dash of the Roaring 20’s, and it’s just perfect! Or, at least I hope it is! I found a review from the The Arizona Reporter, written by Susan Granger, and here’s a quick summary: “On the Granger Movie Gauge of 1 to 10, “Midnight in Paris” is an amusing, whimsical, time-traveling 10, an inventive cinematic celebration of the iconic City of Lights.”
That’s what I’m talkin’ about.

Which movie are you looking forward to this summer? (Besides Harry Potter.)