Strawberry Pickin’

The boys had a half-day Friday, so as soon as the bell rang, I whisked them away for an hour in the strawberry patch.  It was a beautiful day, and rows and rows of deep red, juicy strawberries were just waiting for us.  We overdid…overpicked, but the eating is good!  PFB wanted to buy a little strawberry plant of his own, and it’s currently sitting by the window in his room.  He has a sleepover tonight and wanted to make sure that, in his absence, I would take care of the watering.  I told him I had it covered.

I love that tree!

We picked 2 1/2 buckets!
Posted in strawberry picking on 03/12/2011 09:16 pm


  1. Mmm… yummy!

  2. wow those pictures are beautiful

  3. David Cranmer

    I love strawberries but have never actually picked them.

    I bet I'd eat them all before I paid for 'em.

  4. Green Girl in Wisconsin

    Strawberries already? Oh dear, we're MONTHS from that point.

  5. Oh, yum!

    Can't wait until berries are ripe here.

  6. Alyssa Goodnight

    Thanks, Sarakastic. :)

    That would be a problem, David. Unless you were pre-weighed yourself.

    They'll all be gone in three weeks, Green Girl & Stacy. And then I'll be waiting for the peaches.

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