Cool Cover

Look at this cool bookcover on a book I ordered for my boys from Scholastic Book Clubs…  It’s about a kid who finds a rather unique ‘dog’ that can switch back and forth between a boy and a wolf.  I think I captured the creepiness with my amateur filmmaking.

I wonder if there’s any way Kensington can incorporate one of these little switcheroo windows (obviously I don’t know what they’re called) onto my book cover.  That would be awesome.

Posted in book covers on 09/25/2010 10:44 pm


  1. David Cranmer

    Fantastico cover. (Btw I'm reading Nick of Time and loving it.)

    And Spielberg has nothing on you. Excellent camera work. Did you use a machine to slowly rotate it? How big is your crew?

  2. I wonder what you do call those things . . .

    Creepy cover! Which means that every kid must love it.

  3. Alyssa Goodnight

    David, The Time Pirate was excellent too! And really, you're too kind with the compliments.

    Honestly, Stacy, I think I'm more enthralled than my kids.

  4. Pretty creepy.
    I bet it adds a bit to the printing cost.

  5. What an AMAZING cover! And yes, your book NEEDS a cover like that! But not creepy.

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