Weekend Update
Well I had a very full weekend. Saturday morning I got up early to hurry across town to an RWA meeting, which turned out to be VERY enlightening and informative (I’ll blog about it tomorrow). I also finally finished up Agnes and the Hitman, which I highly recommend. I liked this one much better than Don’t Look Down, the last Crusie/Mayer collaboration–very quirky, witty, and complex. Hubby and I are still working our way through Season 5 of the Gilmore Girls–I’m not really sure what to make of that Logan…
But, what I want to blog about is a new review of U.P. posted on Amazon.com.
I probably shouldn’t even mention it–because it’s a two-star review–but I want to because I was just so impressed with the way she handled her comments. She was so constructive and diplomatic that I didn’t feel bad for myself at all. Admittedly I felt bad that she hadn’t enjoyed the book, but that’s another story.
I’ll paraphrase: she thought the book was slow, with too much character introspection. But she went on to say:
“…I agree with one of the reviewers that some parts were witty and well-written, and I especially agree that Ms. Goodnight needs, without a doubt, a better editor.
I hope Ms. Goodnight does not do what I did and pay attention only to the 5-star reviews; this is just the beginning of her career and we welcome new writers and fresh ideas. I’ll be looking for new titles under her name, as many will, too. Simplify, don’t underestimate the readers’ intelligence, learn to string events in a cohesive manner, live your characters and give them depth and consistency.”
I am just so impressed with her! I love that she’s willing to give a future book of mine another read. And I wish I could tell her that I’m striving to get better with age.
09/10/2007 at 2:53 pm
You’re so great in how you’re handling that review!
09/10/2007 at 3:47 pm
I love the fact that she wants to read another one. To me that means she knew the writing is great, even if there are things she’d tweak.
You are handling it wonderful and makes us realize even more how professional and serious you are about your career!!
09/11/2007 at 5:59 pm
That’s the kind of reviewer I love. Fair and honest without being cruel.
Thanks for the recommendations. I’ll have to pick that one up:)