Summer’s Here…(almost)

Well, my last ‘day off’ for a while has come and gone, this past Thursday was the last big chunk of time I imagine I’ll have to write for a good long time–at least until the end of August. Mother’s Day Out isn’t over for another week yet, but I’ve been asked to substitute both days, and then my older son gets out the following week. After that it’s two boys 24/7 for three long, hot summer months.

This summer I’m putting them on a schedule: no more mornings and afternoons of ‘I can’t find anything to do…’ I’m actually going to tell them what to do, different ‘centers’ or crafts on different days of the week. I’m hoping that during some of that time I’ll squeeze in some writing time. Usually I need a big chunk of time. It used to be in the afternoon when they’d both go down for a nap, and I’d have a good two hours. Well naps are long gone, but sometimes they’ll play on the computer on with video games for that length of time (although usually not without arguing and tattling). So this summer is a big experiment: I’ll have the schedule, and I plan to keep my computer on and my WIP progress open in case I get just a few minutes here and there. Maybe I can condition myself to work like that. If I can, I’ll get soooo much more done.

I’m still doing the 100 words in 100 days…I think I’m on Day 46 or something, so almost halfway there! And it’s really working for me. I refuse to start over, I refuse to give up, so I’m there everyday, good for at least a quick 100.

Ready or not, summer is around the corner–wouldn’t it be great if I actually finished my WIP??? I think it’d be awesome.

Posted in Uncategorized on 05/12/2007 12:56 am


  1. I think it would be awesome, too! As soon as I get the cash, I’m ordering your first book.

  2. You can do it Alyssa! It’s so hard to write with kids around, but every little bit is forward progress. :)

  3. You’re doing fabulous. Keep up the great work! Wish *I* could say I was on day 46 of writing every day–I need to be more like you! =)

  4. What a great idea! I think you’re onto something there – 100 words is significant enough to accumulate but not overwhelming.

    And here’s to your plan for summer!

  5. Breaking a big goal into small chunks works best for me, too. Keep up the good work! :)

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