It’s a Jane Austen World

I’ve been an Austen fan since reading page one of Pride & Prejudice in high school British Lit. I believed until recently that I’d read her Complete Works–loved them all (and the Hollywood adaptation of the one I didn’t read). I’ve also enthusiastically read a number of spin-offs and marveled at the number of sequels and retellings.

Turns out I had no idea how very far-flung Jane’s influence truly is. The range of Jane Austen Fiction (she has her very own genre!) is unbelievable. There are sequels involving every conceivable Austen character; retellings with settings that run the gamut from high school (Prada & Prejudice) to Civil War era Texas (Pemberley Ranch), and modern day New England (The Family Fortune) to a ship bound for America (Darcy’s Voyage), not to mention the zombies, vampires and the occasional ghost.
Then there are the spin-offs which might involve superfans on Austen-inspired vacations (Austenland) or discoveries of Austen-related paraphenalia (The Man Who Loved Jane Austen). Creativity in this genre truly knows no bounds. And that’s not even counting the Marvel comic books and fan fiction.

And let’s not forget the movie adaptations by BBC, Hollywood, and more recently, Bollywood. There is even to be a new BBC mystery series that will cast Jane Austen in an occasional cameo role (The Regency Detective).

Jane Austen has her own action figure, and her own page on Facebook. Should I friend her??? I’m not on Twitter, so I don’t know for sure, but witty Jane probably tweets too.

She even has her own Society, whose mission it is, “to foster among the widest number of readers the study, appreciation, and understanding of Jane Austen’s works, her life, and her genius.”

That she was a genius, I don’t think there can be any doubt.

Posted in Jane Austen on 09/18/2010 06:21 pm


  1. A genius indeed.

  2. David Cranmer

    An incredible writer.

  3. Hi,

    Fab wasn't she, and no modern day writer has stolen the magic of Miss Austen's genius!

    Too many modern wannabe Miss Austens' cannot master the essence of that bygone era i.e, narrative voice, which is lost as they strive to mimic her voice through character dialogue.

    It's easy to portray the era in modern language, another matter entirely in conveying the writing style of that period. In otherwords taking on the persona of a writer at that time.


  4. Green Girl in Wisconsin

    Amen. She is still something else. Intelligent and funny and still so relevant.

  5. Teenage Bride

    Just the mention of Jane Austin makes my heart flutter hahaha

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