Lucky Girl

Specific books don’t stay with me for long. I remember reading them (for a time) and even vaguely what they’re about, but not the plots. There are, of course, a few notable exceptions. Consequently, I can read books over and over and over again–even mysteries–and it’s almost like I’m reading them fresh. But unlike many people’s, my memory is not strewn with books. I can’t remember the books that influenced me as a kid or as a teenager. If a book is mentioned, it triggers my memory slightly, but otherwise, my reading history is almost like a blackhole in my brain.

A few things though, have lingered, readily accessible. For instance, I remember that in fifth grade, I had to read the entire list of Texas Bluebonnet nominees–and I remember a few of them. I remember LOVING Ellen Concord.

And I remember The Luckiest Girl.

This book has been in the back of my mind for quite a little while. I couldn’t remember the title or the author (although I suspected Beverly Cleary and was right). All I remembered was that it was about a teenage girl who spent the summer with family in California. (I believe she was from the East Coast.) I remember the orange groves and her crush on a boy and how I thought that book was just about perfect. And I wanted to find it again.

I’d considered posting to ask if anyone could identify this mystery book, but I imagined I didn’t have enough to go on. And then I found it myself, via Beverly Cleary’s website, and now it’s on request at the library! The cover posted is the one I had. I’m not all that fond of the new one.

What’s your ‘Big Memory’ book?

Posted in beverly cleary, books on 06/10/2010 05:34 pm


  1. Krysten @ After 'I Do'

    Hey, forgetting something like that can be a good thing. It means you can enjoy your favorite books over and over and find something new to love about them every time.

  2. Teenage Bride

    You are so right, the old cover is a lot better than the newer one.

    My most memorable read has to be Black Beauty! I read it when I was in sixth grade and think about it all the time.

  3. Silver Strands

    When I got married nearly 30 years ago, my husband suggested we both keep track of the books we read, the authors and the dates we read them. So I know every book read since then. It's proven to be invaluable! Sometimes I remember when I read a book I loved, but can't remember the name of it …


  4. Ironically I was just trying to think of this book the other day and could only remember the cover. I don't remember it as being the best book ever but when I think of books I read as a preteen this cover always floats into my head.

  5. Alyssa Goodnight

    Oh, I'm sure it wasn't perfect, Sarakastic, but I was a sucker for a romance. :)

    How funny that you were thinking about the same book.

    That sounds like a good idea, Denalee. Given my book memory, I should probably start that. :)

  6. Where are the Children? by Mary Higgins Clark stands out for me. I know I had to have been an avid reader long before that came out but I remember being in a high school class where the instructor didn't care for me. She caught me reading the book during class and suddenly we had a better relationship. Guess something impressed her about it. And I'm still a big fan of Mary Higgins Clark. (Not because it impressed the instructor – just wanted to clarify that. :) )

  7. Green Girl in Wisconsin

    Ah, I remember a lot of books, but Iggie's House by Judy Blume hung with me for a very long time.
    And yes, the retro cover on The Luckiest Girl is the better cover!

  8. Hmmm, I recall reading this book as well, although I couldn't remember anything about it except the cover… I would say the Hobbit was probably my most memorable book. I think I read it at about 7 years old – it always stuck with me!

  9. Alyssa Goodnight

    I've never read Where Are the Children?, Iggy's House, or The Hobbit. The Hobbit at age seven?? Impressive!

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