
Gotta hurry tonight because I haven’t gotten my 100 words in yet and I’m already sleepy! I’ve been working on my synopsis for a contest whose postmark deadline is June 1st. Just as a side note: I think contests are actually motivation killers. Unless you’re only doing 100 words a day (which some days I am), how would you find the time to tweak and perfect those first 30 pages and a synopsis, proofread, and prep the whole package to be shipped out? Then there’s the anxiety, the waiting, the results, the thank you notes…arggh! I don’t know why I do it. It’s a sickness.

Anyhooo…just wanted to give you a heads up on some upcoming blog posts. Next Monday, this blog is a stop on Sandi Kahn Shelton’s virtual blog tour. When I was asked to be stop, I’d never heard of Ms. Shelton, so I did some research, found she is a chick-lit/women’s mainstream writer with great reviews and great covers, and decided to see for myself. I’m currently reading A Piece of Normal and enjoying it very much. On May 21st, I’ll do a mini interview with her, and I believe she’ll be posting to the comments answering any questions you may have.

Then sometime in the near future, I’ll be hosting Tasha Alexander, author of the fabulous And Only to Deceive and recently, A Poisoned Season. Such a sweetie, and really an awesome writer.

But for now, just carry on…

Posted in Uncategorized on 05/17/2007 03:00 am


  1. We do it because we must! How exciting to be interviewing other writers. Is it something that is done in real time? I hate to show how unknowledgeable I am but I’m new to all this and want to learn. Thanks for the help – just exploring your site has helped a lot – LC

  2. Exciting stuff! (And I’m interested in hearing the answer to lara’s question too)

  3. That is awesome. I’ll make sure to stop by and check it out!

  4. Alyssa Goodnight

    Lara and Stacy: The way it works is that I send each of them some prewritten questions, and they type up answers at their leisure and mail them back to me (and I then post them on the designated day). In Sandi’s case, she will then lurk around the blog on the 21st and answer questions from posters–she’s on a publicity tour. As for Tasha, I don’t know if she’ll be able to hang around on the day of the interview posting, but I’ll certainly ask her.

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