I Think I’ve Been Officially Adopted

As a substitute teacher. I honestly can’t remember the last time I had the full five hours of my Mother’s Day Out time to write. I think the director is kinda using me as a fallback girl–she even asked me today if I was available to work Thursday. I told her I could. Why, you might ask, did I tell her that? Because I can work. I don’t have a pressing commitment–I just want to write. I figure I’m doing the program a favor–they do need someone after all. Besides, I have trouble saying no.

Favorite quote of the day from my time with the 2 yr olds:
Me (after seeing some groping action): Do you need to go potty?
Him: No, I’ve just got a fire in my hiney.

Posted in Uncategorized on 03/06/2007 10:29 pm


  1. I love kid speech! How funny!

  2. A fire in his hiney! Ah, little boys are just so disgusting!

  3. Kari Lee Townsend

    OMG kids are just too funny.

  4. Catherine Avril Morris

    A fire in my hiney….!!! hahahahaha!

    But anyway, moving on, YOU GOTTA MAKE TIME FOR WRITING! And yes, I did just blog-yell that at you. :) No but seriously. You gotta. If you don’t, who will? If not now, when?

    I don’t know; I just relate so much to not making time for it, that when other people do it…I get all panicky. I hope you’re having fun subbing, though.

  5. That is why I work in daycare, they keep you on your toes lol.

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