Out of the Running

I purposely wasn’t writing about this because I didn’t want to jinx myself, but yesterday, I was officially jinxed. I’d entered Karin Tabke’s First Line Contest, and gotten through the first four rounds of judging (each, I think, by a different agent), but yesterday, my sentences were axed.

The contest started January 15 with 75 first lines. The first week, ten entries were eliminated. The next Monday, each entrant had to put up their first two lines, and only five entrants were eliminated. And so it went…and now I’m out. One less thing to worry about I guess…

The interesting thing is that I started from scratch for that contest, picked a new starting point, and just ran with it. And I like this version quite a bit better than the last one.

You should check it out…there are some good entries over there!

A blog post from Karin just clarified…The first round judge was an agent, and the last round judge will be Hilary Sares. Pubbed authors do the in-between rounds.

Posted in Uncategorized on 02/13/2007 10:06 pm


  1. Amanda Brice

    I’d never heard of this contest! Very cool.

  2. Sorry to hear you’re out…but that sounds like a tough contest! I’ll definitely check it out.

  3. Sorry to hear that, but sounds like you did really well.

  4. Aww, sorry!

    It takes a lot of courage to do writing contests. I admire writers like you who have it.

  5. Rats! Sorry to hear about that; but you made it four rounds! :)

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