Out of Order

I’m taking a sick day today…because I’m sick. I’m snorting back Zicam every four hours hoping it shortens the duration of this cold…and I’m really hoping this is just a cold.

I did get to see Susan Wiggs give a talk yesterday about brainstorming your book. It was very informative, and I got several good ideas for my current WIP (which means several changes, but isn’t that always how it is? One of the suggestions she gave for getting to know your characters is to have them answer the questions at www.mylifemycard.com (the questions they have celebrities answer in the American Express Card commercials. I plan to give it a go when I’m thinking clearly again…

Posted in Uncategorized on 11/12/2006 08:15 pm


  1. Feel better soon, Alyssa!!

  2. That is such a smart idea! I love it!
    And get better – being sick is no fun.

  3. I hope you feel better, ASAP! Have fun with the adjustments to your WIP…new inspiration is fun to find :)

  4. Alyssa Goodnight

    Thanks for the feel-better wishes. I re-read my entry (I couldn’t remember what I’d written) and see I had a parenthesis problem yesterday…two opens, no closers. Oops!

  5. Amanda Brice

    I hope you feel better soon!

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