
This is not the way it’s supposed to work–I know. But I’m taking a couple of days hiatus from Fast Draft to prep my first 35 pages for a contest. I know, I know, contests and I have a checkered past, but not having critique partners, I just can’t seem to resist the opportunity for feedback (read criticisms), not to mention the possibility to place and get my work before an agent/editor without the need for the dreaded pitch.

So, today I worked on tidying up, trimming, editing, etc. I also thought a bit about the part of the manuscript I’ve been working on for FD. I feels strange not to be sneaking back to it every spare minute. Strange, and SOOOO liberating!

Don’t get me wrong, I’m really liking the Fast Draft process, but it’s just exhausting. However, I’m newly motivated: I’ll need to finish the Fast Draft and then try to edit quickly and efficiently (ha!) so…just in case…the manuscript will be almost ready at the end of the year when contest finalists are announced.

I know what I’m asking Santa for!

Posted in Uncategorized on 09/27/2006 01:25 am

1 Comment

  1. Go Alyssa Go! Honestly, if your biggest digression from Fast Draft is to hone part of your writing for a contest, I’d say you’re doing okay :)

    What a great place to be – your procrastination techniques STILL have you working on your writing! (Perhaps I should start a novel…)

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